
"Siente el océano de sombras, escucha las melodías del viento, y deja que el arrullo de las estrellas te envuelva con su manto de misterio."

lunes, 1 de abril de 2013


Life is like a movie. You have shoots of the most important episodes of your pathetic existence, and then you leave them in a dusty box somewhere around. That should be your memory. You take the box once in a while, give the pictures a look, start crying, or laughing, -both maybe-, so you can tell you are alive after all that crap and that must be something remarkable… You are a fortunate one, you have your own movies theater and no need to pay, just close your eyes and do what you do best. Those are independent films. You’re not gonna be rewarded. You’re just gonna die and be forgotten –in the best case- after the death of those who remembered you, until the pictures are gone, eaten by dust, moths, oxygen, and life itself.
That’s life. A movie that only you can understand. But, at the end, something to be forgotten, as anything else.

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