
"Siente el océano de sombras, escucha las melodías del viento, y deja que el arrullo de las estrellas te envuelva con su manto de misterio."

miércoles, 30 de noviembre de 2011


I sketched your face,in clear
With my pupils, with my hands
To keep you there
In the logical corner of longing;
between memories and smiles,
between the absurd and the strange
I kept you there.

And you, painted my silhouette
with your hands,
with your melancholic deep iris
you stole my rapt scent,
and sketched me again, in your dreams,
and, I don't know where
you caught me, when closing your eyes
in the dawn.
Two shapes
Two fates
Two shadows
Two stares
Then, Four steps.

Here, now, tomorrow? maybe ...
Have been so many times,
but it's never enough.

But then you smile
and all of it, just worth

The sunlight morning coloured your face
"It wasn't a dream ..."  You said.https://mail.google.com/mail/images/cleardot.gif
Two faces
Two mouths
Four hands
Four steps
And then, all was worth it
for me.

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